“Who raises rent today is a criminal”


Expect: How will the Corona Crisis Affect Real Estate?

(Shmulik Dodpur)

“The real estate market is currently in a difficult situation, it is being euthanized and breathed. In fact, everything stops, everything stands. ” This is what Friday’s former Ohad Danos chairman of the Appraisal Bureau said in an interview with Ynet, referring to the effects of the Corona crisis on the real estate industry in Israel. On the occasions when apartment owners have raised rents to tenants in recent days, he said: A rent raiser is a criminal. ”

Danus says that not only is construction not as fast as it used to be, the list of trades essential to the economy published at night does not include the construction industry. And that would have consequences in the field.


“The residential market, second-hand apartments, is in the freeze,” Denos noted. “It will continue from where it left off. At this time, we do not know how long it will last, we will see a paucity of deals, when they will probably be lower than market prices. However, there is the manufacturing sector in the industry, the new apartments. This is an industry that is operating at a completely different pace, and there is no It is doubtful that it will stop because it depends on a great deal of building materials from abroad and other materials. The market will need three to six months to recover from every month of activity halt. “

 Danus fan Danus fan

“People who buy apartments have something to fear”

For those who are considering selling his apartment, Danos believes this is a time to offer it for sale, but because of the Corona crisis and the guidelines that followed, such a deal is becoming extremely complex until impossible these days. He believes that people who buy apartments have nothing to worry about if they depend on time. “There will be delays in dedication, no doubt about it at all,” he said.

Danos noted that he was relatively calm about the mortgage market. “We have seen that the big banks give ‘grace’ in their mortgages. Nobody wants to bring down the market. A lot of Israelis are exposed to their mortgages. Some of them have to repay loans. We will see some adjustment of the economic system to this situation.”

However, he expresses concern about many recently fired tenants and having to deal with apartment owners who raise their rents.

“Whoever raises rent today for people who live there is a criminal,” he said. “Adjustments have to be made in specific cases, this market has no oversight. It’s between people. So there will be places where people will give ‘Grace’ to their renters, and there are some who can’t because they rent themselves. I certainly hope no one raises prices and doesn’t take advantage of The big problem is in business, too, because while there is no argument about the legitimacy of a homeowner to get rent from someone using the conference, businesses that are closed are supposed to pay both property taxes and rent, and if all their activities stopped, where would they bring the same money? “

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