The intervention on tolls is only the last novelty that comes from a leavened draft up to double compared to the first texts circulated and which now contains a hundred extensions, from the postponement to 2022 of the farewell to the protected energy market up to to the postponement in March for the appointments of Agcom and Privacy top management. The various ministries are in fact trying to exploit the classic end-of-year provision to bring home the most varied norms: we start with some of those that were included in the maneuver and then quashed by the Senate presidency, such as those for the Provinces or on the staff of the Council of State, the TAR and the Court of Auditors, for which the creation of a consultative Central Section based in Rome is also requested. However, both the introduction of the digital bill and the request to combine economic education with financial education in schools as well as civic education in schools is lacking. While it seems equally difficult that the attempt to insert an "innovation package", from the right to innovate to the change of the Spid, managed entirely by the State, can succeed. There is, instead, a whole other list of interventions already prepared always with the intent to insert them in Budget law, before deciding to make the extensions travel with a provision to itself. These include the re-proposal for 2020 of the green bonus, the discount for rearranging terraces and gardens, but also the incentives to purchase electric scooters by scrapping old polluting two wheels. Among the norms that have resisted the various restyling of the text also the stabilization of the precarious workers of the P.a. and the extension of compensation to victims of violence also to those who have suffered facial disfigurement. Then there are extensions of competitions, from the Customs Agency and the monopolies to the AIFA. Numerous extensions concerning Cultural heritage, from Pompeii to the restoration of the Sassi of Matera up to the expenses, integrated with 4 million, for the tenth anniversary of Maxxi. The extension of the state of emergency for Genoa after the collapse of the Ponte Morandi was also included. Among the various requests, there is also the need to refinance the fund for historical re-enactment, and a measure to establish that the data of leaders of the Interior, of the police, of the armed forces and of the penitentiary administration that fall within the perimeter of the Cybersecurity should not be published in order not to compromise national security. Among the news there is also the request for two more seats in the Sports and Health Board of Directors (which replaced the old company Coni servizi), with the addition of a director and a managing director. And also an extension, with an increase of 4 million in funding, for the Gran Sasso Science Institute. But the novelty of greatest impact for citizens, starting perhaps for holidays on the snow, remains that of tolls. The stop to the increases concerns 16 concessionaires for which the regulatory periods have expired. The rules also provide for tariff adjustments to be made on the basis of the new criteria adopted by the Transport Authority, after updating the economic-financial plans by the end of June. The new tariff system, based on a different calculation of performance efficiency, could also lead to a price increase, a reduction in tolls for some sections.
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