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The Promotion Group B is confirmed, day after day, compelling and unpredictable. The Racale continues its run as leaders by beating De Cagna 2-0: in the first minutes of the game it is April to bring the hosts ahead, the opponents try to rebalance it until a few minutes from the end, when Salguero seals the final 2-0. On the neutral of San Pancrazio, the Maglie falls against the Manduria for 1-2: the green-and-whites rise to second position, to +1 on the Matino that slips to third place after the defeat with the Sava of Marangio for 3-1. Having passed the down on Sunday in Taurisano, Ostuni beats Avetrana 2 -1. De Giorgi (in his third personal double this season) and Luca (first goal for him) give Taurisano the second consecutive victory against the last of the Uggiano class (0-3). A goal for each side and a point each, instead, between Veglie and B. Campi, realized respectively by Cortese and Carla. The Aradeo inflicts on Novoli the third consecutive defeat with a heavy 3 to 1. The Carovigno, after giving the title to the mayor of the city in recent days, surprises everyone, shows up in Leverano and wins against Salento Football for 1-2 . Click HERE to see the results and ranking of the B Promotion Group of Puglia. Emma Schiavano
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