Milan, a 70-year-old woman raped for 11 consecutive hours: a 29-year-old man arrested for three other abuses


It was raped for 11 consecutive hours. From 10pm on 3 November to 9am the following day, when leaving the house unsteadily, was able to ask neighbors for help. It all started on Internet, where a 29-year-old man contacted the 70-year-old on an adult dating site. After agreeing on a sexual performance, the man showed up at the woman's apartment in the Arco della Pace area, a Milan. Here the 29-year-old has implemented his plan: he turned off the woman's cell phones, took it from punches in the face and threatened with a knife to then rape her for hours. Only the next morning the woman was able to ask for help and make a complaint, taking the investigation.

The Carabinieri of Milan Cathedral, together with the Mobile team of Lodi, managed to trace the identity of the aggressor: Daniele Corona, domiciled in Where was it, in the province of Cremonabut resident in Lodi, he was arrested on charges of aggravated sexual violence is seizure in person. For investigators it is a serial rapist: Corona is investigated for another three episodes with the same modus operandi.

The first in chronological order dates back to last May, when a 55-year-old from Lodi had reported to the Lodi police that she had been segregated for a whole night in a motel in the Lodi from the 29 year old under the threat of a knife and while he hired cocaine.

The second was reported in Dovera, in the Cremona area, in the first days of November of this year, when a Romanian girl was rescued by some friends to whom she said she was almost raped by Corona. On this occasion the Carabinieri were unable to proceed with the arrest as the judicial authority did not recognize the flagrante of crime.

The third episode dates back to the night between 12 and 13 November last, when one Colombian prostitute of 52 years who had received Corona at home in a residential neighborhood of Lodi had requested the intervention of a steering wheel claiming to have suffered a attempted robbery by a client who presented himself without money.


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