The well-known journalist made the point about the moment of Naples in this championship break. The president for now does not make statements.
Then he added: "The bad mood remains palpable. The impossibility, at the moment, of finding solutions to the many, too many problems that have emerged, is obvious. Those of a technical-tactical nature pass for the time being in the background. Now there is to face and solve the one linked to the 'mutiny. The novelty is that the deafening silence of De Laurentiis from the USA could lead to something good. For a week, diplomacies have been at work, even if it is not easy to talk about what will happen. Cards in hand, the collective agreement is quite clear, obliges players to execute the instructions given by the company ".
Finally he concluded: "If the company provides that the team must retire, the players are obliged to do so; otherwise they can be sanctioned as anticipated by the Naples football release. The competent office cannot be anything other than the league of the Serie A league. "If Naples has written that press release, it will act against registered members who have not complied with the contractual rules. A scenario that foresees the wall against the wall. Even if this solution still seems the most probable, it certainly is not the most obvious. Arrive to a total clash would not benefit anyone, least of all to De Laurentiis and to those players linked to Naples by a long contract. We'll see. Meanwhile, the Naples of football, combined with that of the institutions, strongly rejects the hypothesis that two news stories about Allan and Ms. Zielinski may be related to post-champion insubordination. latitudes and it is not clear why only in Naples it must, according to some, contaminate the sporting one. Grappling only with the field is Ancelotti. At the resumption of the championship, fate first reserves "his" Milan and then that Liverpool in the Champions League that evokes sad and pleasant memories. Two fundamental steps to make sense of a season that is still all to be played. For now, these are appointments that are still far away, for some they could even mark, in one direction or another, the continuation of Carletto's adventure on the blue bench. But certainly it will not be so, given that “mister Champions” enjoys the unconditional trust of patron Aurelio ".
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