The new novel by the couple Uzzeo-Masi, "La neve rossa", is set in a village between Italy and France. The book is illustrated by a cast of stellar designers
From Twin Peaks to Lost, to Lovecraft In the novel, whose first volume is designed by Giuseppe Palumbo, contains all the passions that unite the two authors Uzzeo and Masi: the bizarre and post-modern choral of Twin Peaks, the labyrinthine stratification of Lost, the visionary anxiety of literature Lovecraftian, combined to create a product with a strong identity.
Laura and Antoine All the characters in the story show their identity little by little and even those that seem to have appeared of little importance are figures that are fundamental for the story. The two absolute protagonists are the two investigators: two characters little accustomed to respecting rules and impositions. Laura is earthy, material, a wounded animal, angry and very close to the concrete world. Saving those kids becomes his mission, indeed almost an obsession, which wears out and incites him. She is a fragile warrior who wears heavy clothes like armor. But no armor protects you from inner demons. Antoine, on the other hand, is an ascetic and inscrutable individual. He wears no armor. It is not his interest to track down the boys, his goal is another: he wants to understand why up there, on the mountains that rise up to the border, the reality has cracked, because time has stopped flowing correctly and nightmares are pouring into reality .
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