Starting from the month of December, the TV Bonus will be issued: it is a contribution that can reach up to 50 euros per family unit to buy decoders and smart TVs. The bonus will be used to encourage the transition to the new DVB T2 technology, which from July 2022 will become the only usable one.
TVs still change
Starting from 2020 and until 1 July 2022, the technical modality with which the signal of films and TV programs is sent will change. In order not to lose the signal, as was the case for the transition from analogue to digital, it will be necessary to put the device to hand, replacing it or acquiring a decoder, which must be compatible with DVB T2 technology (from the current DVB T1). In any case, there are devices sold in past years, even before 2017, which are compatible with the new system. To check if your TV is enabled or not it is possible to check on the producers' website, entering the model of the appliance.
TV bonus at the start in December
The initiative put in place by the ministry to support this towards the new DVB-T2 technology was confirmed at TV Table 4.0 a few days ago at the Ministry of Economic Development. Undersecretary Mirella Liuzzi invited operators to first of all prepare a communication plan that make the passage as transparent as possible for consumers.
The bonus – it was made official at the Mise table – will start "from next December, following the publication of the MiSE – MEF decree, foreseen in the Official Gazette in the coming days". Liuzzi explained after the table that "it is our goal increase the current 151 million euros requesting a new financing of the measure to widen the range of citizens admitted to take advantage of the contribution ".
TV bonus, how much it is and who it is up to
Just to meet this need, the bonus that can reach up to 50 euros will start and should be paid starting from the first days of December 2019 and until December 31, 2022. Technically, it will be one discount applied directly by the seller at the time of purchase: this will give rise to a tax credit in favor of the retailer himself.
The TV bonus can only be requested by family units that fall within the first or second Isee income range. The discount, therefore, goes to those who are in the first band with a maximum income of 10,632 euros, or in the second band, with income up to 21,156 euros.
Bonus tv, how to request it
To request the disbursement must be a member of the family unit and the discount is applied to the whole family: it is 50 euros for the purchase of the television or the decoder.
To do this, it is sufficient to report to the seller with the request to receive the contribution. A self-certification will be needed in which you must indicate the family unit to which you belong (only one bonus per family is paid), the Isee group to which you belong and a declaration certifying that other members of the same household have not received the bonus.
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