Colombian households remain the engine for irrigation of resources to the economy. In August, family spending increased by 10.3% in pesos and 6.3% in real terms compared to the same month of the previous year, according to Raddar.
This is the highest increase since January 2016, according to consumer experts.
In white silver, it implies that in the eighth month of 2019, households spent 58.1 billion pesos and, within the list, the growth in entertainment spending stands out (in 8.6%), followed by food, which expanded by 7.1%.
As expressed in the analysis of the Raddar firm, there are three main reasons that explain the growth of spending at the speed that it is doing: a 4.5% growth in the salaries and fees of Colombians; a rising trend in credit (consumption, annualized, expanded and reached 28.2% in August) and more population due to Venezuelan migration".
By cities, it was Cartagena where there was more spending growth (7.4%) and Pasto, where less (5.9%).
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