It was also permanent representative of Peru to the United Nations between 1971 and the 1975. An assignment, the latter, which highlighted him to the point that he was appointed undersecretary in the Palazzo di Vetro in 1979, thus assuming the general secretariat of the organization from 1 January 1982 to 31 December 1991. Up to now the Peruvian diplomat has been was the only one American citizen to hold the highest office of the UN.
Once back home he attempted the climb to the presidency in the general election of 1995, but was defeated in a vote in which the outgoing president Alberto Fujimori was reconfirmed. In 2000 President ValentÃn Paniagua called him to preside over the cabinet Peruvian transition and the Foreign Ministry, a position he accepted and held until July 2001. In the last years of his life Perez de Cuellar devoted himself to literary activity. Published in 2012 his “Memorias. Recuerdos personales y politicos “and two years after the novel” Los Andagoya “.
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