The shocking truth of the anesthesiologist: “90% of those who get worse at home die before intensive care”


Combine home medical care for the lesser infected people with intensive care for the most critical cases: this, according to many experts, could prove to be the right mix to curb the epidemic of new coronavirus.

Italian hospitals are crowded and, despite staff efforts, the number of places to welcome the sick is increasingly limited. THE patients who suffer from severe respiratory failure, caused by interstitial pneumonia, need to be intubated. Many others, struggling with a lighter symptomatology, instead remain in their homes, with the risk that their health condition may worsen at any moment.

Since it is impossible to hospitalize everyone, health authorities are trying to understand how to best treat non-hospitalized people. In this regard it is useful to mention the proposal of Mario Martinetti, anesthesiologist and director of pain therapy and palliative care at the Sarzana hospital. Interviewed by, Martinetti immediately hits the heart of the problem: “It is essential to start home therapy“.

There home therapyif appropriate, it can help a great deal in the fight against Covid-19. “There is the comfort of Chinese, Japanese protocols and so on – explains Martinetti – that this is the crucial phase in which the infection can be overcome and the worsening of symptoms and drastic reduction of the treatment of precious intensive therapies can be drastically reduced“. In one fell swoop: less pressure on hospitals, more recovered and fewer deaths.

The key to proper home therapy

The knot to untie is one: “Home therapy – continues the specialist – it is very often nothing, I do not say for incapacity or decision of the doctor, but simply for the non-availability of drugs“. Not only. Those who are hospitalized receive better drugs and treatments, and being hospitalized in a hospital it could not be otherwise.

The priority – adds Martinetti – must be given to places in ordinary quotation marks in order to shelter as many people as possible; of these, however, someone can go to intensive care. But surely in much much lower numbers, and with many more possibilities to get by. This is what they did in China, in the end with the results we all saw“.

As for i drugs recommended by those with a mild form of Covid-19 and stuck in the house, here “A kind of summary drawn from various studies in scientific journals, and sharing of clinical evidence and protocols reported by colleagues who work in the field in the areas, in fact, of the North“.

Jacks is clear and concise: the antiinflammatory (from Voltaren to Brufen) and the cortisone, while i ARBs is Ace inhibitors. Taking into account all the necessary precautions, green light for thehydroxychloroquine, the doxycycline and the vitamin D.


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