Coronavirus, Azzolina: “You won’t go to school in July”


ROME – Says the minister Lucia Azzolina, on TV, that students won’t go to school in the summer. “If distance learning works, as it is working in much of the country, there is absolutely no reason to extend classes in July and August, in school facilities that are not suitable for dealing with our summer climate.” No extension. The Minister of Education holds on to distance learning: the circular is ready to spend 85 million euros on tablets and computers for those who do not have them. And he opens, as “Repubblica” wrote yesterday, on the recoveries in September: “If there is a need to resume some learning for our students, it will be done later.” Of course, a teacher knows their students, “I was a teacher until two years ago”, and knows who deserves immediate promotion or needs a reference to a verification in the following school year. On this last question: to focus everything on a “2020-2021” with strong recoveries and the expansion of full time, the thrust of the world of school is growing.



Schools and baccalaureate, the teachers’ dilemma: “Impossible to evaluate from behind a screen”

Azzolina does not want to draw scenarios, “it would be irresponsible if a minister did it,” above all because she does not want to demotivate students who need distance lessons to continue to feel part of a community and who always have a strong incentive to vote in order not to stop studying and learning.
It will not be the ministry, again, to elaborate a circular that will allow admission to the Examination of Maturity with the “5” and in general an insufficiency: “These are assessments made by the teaching staff in full autonomy”. Another circular had already mentioned that teachers always decide how to evaluate students from a distance.The Baccalaureate will be softer and more calibrated on the program actually made: “The teachers who are following the students in these weeks will be able to evaluate the results of the tests with full awareness of the preparation actually carried out”. In this logic – “no penalty” in the emergency – the choice was made six members all internal to the commission and an external president “who can guarantee the regularity of the entire examination path”.

Obviously, even more important choices will have to arrive in the next few days: “In a few days we will give our students all the other information they need on the State, High School and Third grade exams”.

Deputy Minister of Education Anna Ascani meanwhile, has announced that 200 million are coming to allow all schools in the country to surf for free in ultra broadband.

Flc CGIL is critical with Minister Azzolina. Her secretary Francesco Sinopoli he says: “In the communications in the Senate there was no certain date on the school calendar, no proposal for the organization of the life and study times of the students, especially those who have to face the state exams, nothing on how they think they organize the new year, neither on staff, recruitment and mobility “.

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