Chief Rabbi Kanievsky ordered praying in units: “Supervision”


a a A The Torah minister, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, instructed that at this time it is imperative to pray individually rather than quorum. According to him, “this is mind control.” The HGRA attacked those who violated the instructions and stated that they had a “haunting” law.

In the coming hours, Bnei Brak rabbis are expected to publish a special letter calling on the public not to hold improvised quarters, and that the rabbi should pray individually until the danger of the corona epidemic passes. The rabbis will also call home and not attend seminars, even for study in the community.

In addition, Rabbi Kanievsky ruled that it is permissible to report to the police an institution or synagogue that violates the Ministry of Health’s instructions, even if the guards have to pay a high fine and even face imprisonment.

The full answer in the handwriting of the Minister of Torah

A. A person who, according to the doctor’s instructions, must go into isolation so as not to infect others if he / she is ill, and he / she feels good and does not feel any pain or sickness, can leave his home, or command him to listen to the doctors despite feeling good?

“Hear the doctors.”

B. A person who claims to trust God not to fall ill, and therefore disparages medical guidelines (keeping away from one another and leaving home unnecessarily and so on) can it be defined as “pursuing” that might put other people at risk?

“As a pursuer.”

third. And if HW disrespected the instructions and caused someone to die, was he considered disrespectful or accidental?

“Close to scorn”

D. If you know of a man who must be in isolation who comes out and endangers people, can he be scolded with loud and harsh words, though he may be embarrassed?


Is it permissible to give the name of a person who disrespects doctors’ instructions and endangers others, to the law authorities? And is it permissible to provide information on synagogues and institutions that do not obey the medical regulations, even if it results in a high financial fine or even imprisonment?


and. Should an open phone be left on Saturday in case doctors need to get it and can answer due to fear of mental oversight?


G. What can the public take on itself to stop the terrible epidemic that has already killed so many?


The HGH answers the questions, today

The GSS answers the questions, today


Remember, last week, the Chief Rabbis of Israel, the first to mark the genius Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef and the genius Rabbi David Lowe, closed the synagogues.

The rabbinical letter reads: “In light of the recent instructions from the superiors of the fight against the Corona virus, we are announcing that from today until another announcement, the public prayer within the synagogues should not be held.

Chief Rabbi of the Corona Responsa in the Shabbat Square studio

“The congregation, which does not number more than ten, will pray outside in an open space, if possible near the synagogue. This is by keeping a two-meter distance between one another and one another. A Torah scroll can be issued on a city street.”

According to them: “If there is no such possibility, everyone will pray in his house, but it is appropriate to set a uniform prayer time for all the synagogue islanders.”

Brigadier General Yosef and Rabbi Lowe called on the public: “Adhere to the instructions given by the Ministry of Health, not only regarding the synagogues, but also on the other issues, shopping and the like. Also, anyone who is in fear of any risk should not leave his home for public prayer. “

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