M5s, the statute of the committee that manages the refunds changes: the residues will not go to Rousseau, but to the microcredit fund


On 10 January, an amendment was made to the Statute of the Reporting and Reimbursement Committee of the M5s. The surgery was done only three days after the meeting between the taxpayers and the group leaders to evaluate the cases of latecomers in the reduction of salaries. The change provides that the residual funds allocated to the Committee will no longer go to theRousseau association, but at the bottom micro-entrepreneurship. In addition, the perimeter of the Committee is also extended to the refunds of European parliamentarians and provide for “the right to use for regional spokespersons“. The duration of the same Committee is also provided until “the full use of the funds committed”.

With the change they become part of the board of directors of the Committee, together with the president Luigi Di Maio, also the group leaders of the House and Senate Davide Crippa is Gianluca Perilli which replace the former group leaders Francesco D’Uva is Stefano Patuanelli. The deed, signed before the notary Luca Amato, provides that “all sums received by the Committee must be paid to the Fund specifically set up for Microcredit or to the entities and individuals identified by the members of the M5s after online consultation”. The term of the Committee is provided for by statute until “ninety days after the end of the XVIII legislature, coinciding with the dissolution of the Chambers and in any case until the full use of the funds committed”.

Among the points contested by some parliamentarians was the fact that the residues of the fund had to be destined for the Rousseau platform. The modification of the Statute intervenes modifying this option, but the monthly fee of 300 euros that the elect must pay to the association that manages online voting.


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