Some have bothered to find out whether a high child in Venice could be a danger with a small child in tow. Who asked for light to know at what point the sinking in the waters of the Atlantis model city. And who, inspired by the look, wanted to know where to find the plastic ankle boots to launch a new way. These are the most extravagant requests received by Venetian hoteliers one month after the extraordinary wave of "Acqua Alta" that hit the Lagoon. "Twelve hours after the tide had already passed and the Venetians had returned to their lives," explained Vittorio Bonacini, president of the Association of Venetian Hoteliers, during a press conference at the foreign press in Rome. "Venice is doing well, but tourism is suffering a totally unjustified decline," he added. So far the high tide of last November 12th has caused damages of 400 million euros.
by Francesco Giovannetti
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