The news of the Omaha oracle bet arrived yesterday: from a document filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, it emerged that the conglomerate founded by Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway, held 1.21 million RH shares on September 30, for a value of $ 206.3 million.
The title RH – which has marked since the beginning of the year a 41% rally – jumped 7.5% in the after-hours trading on the eve.
In addition to RH, Berkshire Hathaway revealed that it also holds a new stake of 7.47 million shares Occidental Petroleum (oil and gas exporting company), worth $ 332 million. The purchase took place after Buffett, in the two previous months, had purchased $ 10 billion of preferred shares, to help Occidental Petroleum to take over rival Anadarko Petroleum.
From the 13-F documentation in which the holdings of Berkshire are engraved, it emerged that Buffett instead reduced the share held in the bank Wells Fargo of 7.7%, to 378 million of shares approx.
The exposure to the multinational energy company has also been cut Phillips 66, which fell by 6.7% to 5.2 million shares, worth about $ 530 million.
Among the holdings reduced compared to the previous quarter, also those in Apple and in Sirius XM.
Bets remained unchanged in the giants Bank of America, Delta Air Lines, Bank of New York Mellon and Coca Cola.
Berkshire Hathaway also held 325 million titles Kraft Heinz at the end of September.
The liquidity of the billionaire investor giant remains broad: at the end of September, the value of cash & equivalents amounted to $ 128.2 billion, 6.4 times the minimum amount of $ 20 billion of which, according to Warren Buffett himself, Berkshire would need.
Watch out for the heavy thrust against the Berkshire Hathaway management recently arrived from a gigantic pension fund.
Going back to the last bet by RH, the analysts pointed out how the group was able to grow both sales and profit margins, partly improving the consumer experience by proposing the concept of the galleries. However, analysts also noted that the group remains exposed to the crisis that is sweeping the high-end real estate market.
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