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Very few months are left to the total changeover to the new DVB-T2 digital terrestrial standard, and the Government in this regard, has prepared a law that wants to benefit the less fortunate families but will have to sustain new sudden expenses for the purchase of a TV or a last-generation decoder.
This switch will be crucial for current Italian television, almost as much as what happened ten years ago when we switched from analogue to digital. The European Union has decided that everything will be mandatory, as the previous frequencies that are still used for digital terrestrial, will be assigned to the 5G.
But who will have to change the TV? All those who have purchased one before 2017 will no longer receive the signal, therefore there are two options: change the device or buy a new decoder.
The standard DVB-T2 will also have a new codec (which we have already known with some mobile devices, such as the iPhone), the HEVC. Considering that everything will impact not just for Italians, the Government has provided a fund of 151 million euros for the purchase of new TVs.
DVB-T2: what changes for all users?
By July 1, 2022 all current frequencies will have to be freed up to make room for the growing 5G, which as we know, will become active on a large-scale scale from January 2020 throughout the world. It also appears that the State will guarantee a discount of € 50 per family, obtainable at the time of purchase. To get the discount, you need to be resident in Italy and belong to the IEE band II and II, therefore with an annual income of less than 10,632.94 and € 21,265.87.