Organized crime and violent culture, of the street. The one who puts a gun in his hand and pulls the trigger. Sometimes, the calendar helps to explain if that plot of crime grows sour. In unsuspected times, the beauty of six years ago, the twin brothers Paolo and Andrea Pirino had already been intercepted by the carabinieri. Paolo Pirino, accused along with Valerio Del Grosso of the murder of Luca Sacchi, was a 14-year-old teenager at the time. He was sued for aggravated robbery, violent acts for racial reasons and personal injuries. He beat a fifty year-old Ecuadorian together with his friends.
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Sacchi's murder, Luca's funeral today: Anastasia may not be there. The family asks for confidentiality
Luca Sacchi, in the list of contacts between killers and clan men
A racist raid seasoned with kicks and punches in the square of the Ponte Mammolo station. The band was formed by Pirino and other youngsters like Toni Salis, one who celebrated his debut at the age of majority at San Basilio. Shot in the legs. In that distant robbery of 2012, Pirino, Salis and a certain Luigi Riccio appear, who on social networks still today has among the places in the heart of Scampia, also Roman and at the time 15 years old. He will meet again with Paolo Pirino accused of dealing in 2018. A witness who witnessed the live beating told that the gang was known in the neighborhood. "In Casal Monastero they always run on the street and on buses". And they always repeated the same script: they extorted money from the EU outside. The same nightmare suffered by the Ecuadorian who had been sent down by the five kids from the 404 bus to Ponte Mammolo and brutally beaten.
When the victim was able to warn and talk to the carabinieri of the Tiburtino III, blood poured from his face. There are areas of shadow and violence in the past of Paolo Pirino who at the age of 14 was an old acquaintance of the Juvenile Court: for that robbery he arrested him and sent him to the Reception Center for Minors of Via Virginia Agnelli.
A few years later, on 13 April 2015, Toni Salis, just 18, will continue his cursus honorum. He is camouflaged with three pistol shots in San Basilio, in Via Amandola. Six are exploded in all, but the other two legs, unlike Toni, manage to escape. Among them is Andrea Pascucci, at the time over 30, one who had a pedigree that ranged from theft to receiving stolen goods, which was the deejay and organized techno and electronic parties. Pascucci, however, has a particular sign: he is a friend of Toni Salis and should know Valerio Del Grosso, who with Paolo Pirino shares the very heavy accusation for the murder of the 24-year-old personal trainer. A circuit that counts, and weaves, always the same threads of high voltage: peddling, robbery, injuries, weapons. In addition to acquaintances with offspring of a family of ndrangheta of Platì. Today, meanwhile, at 2 pm, at the Appio-Latino, Luca's funeral.
Last updated at 09:16
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