In parallel with the launch of the maneuver, the social security institution reopens with the aim of finding a solution to the staircase that opens in 2022 at the end of the experimentation of Quota 100
by Davide Colombo and Marco Rogari
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The node is the post-Quota 100. And the appointment is already set for November 4, with a double confrontation between the government and the unions. To find a solution to the problem of outgoing flexibility that, at the end of 2021, will manifest itself with a 5-year staircase, we start from the one-year extensions provided for in the Budget law for Social Ape and Option Donna, with the addition of the very small revaluation of pensions up to four times the minimum (ie 2,029 euros gross per month).
Social Ape and Women's Option
For another year a specific audience of workers in difficult conditions will be allowed to use the advance for the pension with 63 years of age and 30 of contributions (35 in some special cases). While for employees with 58 years (59 if autonomous) with at least 35 years of contributions as of 31 December 2019, they will be allowed to leave with a check recalculated with the contributory method.
These are two facilitated retirement channels which this year benefited about 22 thousand workers and which, in their reflections on the after Quota 100, could be partly made structural. An operation that could also extend to the voluntary and corporate APE, or the subsidized bank financing on the advance up to three years of the pension which, as will be recalled, expires in 2019 and is not onerous for the State.
The two technical commissions
The draft Budget Law provides for the establishment of two technical committees on heavy work and the separation of social security expenditure from that of welfare. The two bodies will be chaired by the Minister of Labor and composed of representatives of Istat, Inail, INPS, the public function of the Higher Council of Actuaries, as well as experts in economic, statistical and actuarial matters designated by the trade unions and employers' organizations.
The government-unions table
On November 4, the confrontation between the Executive and the CGIL, CISL and UIL returns to the Ministry of Labor to define a pension reform that can guarantee the sustainability and fairness of the system at the end of the three-year experimentation of Quota 100. On the table the possible extensions of the number of workers admitted to the social Ape or to pension advances for strenuous activities.
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