On Saturday November 23rd, in Rome, the meeting between Beppe Grillo is Luigi Di But I. Between the great leader and the political leader of which all, or almost all, in the M5s want the head after the vote on Rousseau that forces the M5s to present itself to the regional ones in Emilia Romagna and Calabria. Grillo and Di Maio, also for days at loggerheads, with the comedian who does not share the line and the drives that push Di Maio towards the crisis of government. At the end of the face-to-face meeting, Beppe Grillo confirmed Giggino's leadership: "He is our leader, do not break his co ***". In short, is it over with tarallucci and wine? Maybe. Or maybe not, and the latter is widely believed. And it is also the opinion of Paolo Mieli, who said his a Italy tonight, on Rete 4: "If we analyze today's meeting between Grillo and Di Maio it is clear how both the face and the physical posture of both suggested a very high tension – emphasizes the former director of Corriere della Sera -. They were not cheerful and it seemed like a tense scene, "concludes Paolo Mieli.
Also read: "Sardines destined to melt": the prophecy of Paolo Mieli
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