Milan, Forza Nuova hangs banner in front of the theater where the life senator Liliana Segre talks to the students


"Sala orders, the anti-aging acts. The people suffer ". It's the signed banner New Force found in front of City Hall 6 in Milan, not far from the theater in via Fezzan where the senator for life Liliana Segre is don Gino Rigoldi they held a meeting with the students of the neighborhood. The umpteenth episode of hatred towards Segre, already a recipient of 200 anti-Semitic messages a day, it was denounced this time on the theater stage by the president of the town hall 6, Santo Minniti who then posted the photo of the banner on the social media: "This morning I found this banner, just before the event we will do with Liliana Segre. Only one thing is not clear to me: do you think it goes in the generic or the humid? "

It is also pronounced against the banner Roberto Cenati president ofAnpi: "We manifest our profound indignation for this further provocation that offends traditions antifascist of our city ”. And then: "Liliana is for all of us reference fundamental for its continual call to not be indifferent in front of the injustices, to discrimination and to the xenophobic and anti-Semitic drift that is sweeping Europe and our country ”.

During the morning the senator returns to talk about the Commission against anti-Semitism and the decision of Forza Italia, Brothers of Italy is Alloy not to vote in favor: "I am optimistic, I believe that the Commission will be and everyone will participate ". And he added: "Even if not seen on television, many of the abstained to vote, later, actually, they have me a lot applauded. So it's not like they were all right indifferent or that they had only obeyed to the group leaders ”.

La Segre is confident: “I want to think that consciences and the souls of those who voted in a certain sense against abstaining are not all insensitive, but that they are adapted to those political orders, to which I cannot adapt, for which we refrain or not depending on the decision of the stable". Finally, to those who asked about Matteo Salvini, she replied: "Lo I will meet, of course, why shouldn't I? If he wants to meet me why not? If I don't hate, why shouldn't I open the door? ".

On the issue of anti-Semitism, the former Interior Minister returned to speak: "I think that those who deny theHolocaust should be treated by a good bravo. But the fact of putting the judgment of what it is into the hands of a party commission racism I have some doubt – said in Naples – Sull 'anti-Semitism no problem: both those who go around with the must be treated swastika both those with sickle and hammer. Of course Liliana Segre can teach me something, Balotelli no".


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