among the family dissent hypotheses


Explosion in Alexandria, the prosecutor: "Explosion desired, found a timer"

In the viewfinder was the house, not the rescuers who lost their lives during the surgery: this is what the investigators who investigate the Quargnento explosion in which three firefighters died and two others were injured, together seem to be convinced to a carabiniere. "Plural murder" and "malicious building collapse" the offenses hypothesized in the dossier opened by the public prosecutor of Alessandria, against unknown persons at the moment.

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Alexandria, a farmhouse explodes: two dead firefighters, three wounded. The police investigate: hypothesis fraud
Alexandria, one of the three dead firefighters was the son of a fireman: Antonio was only 30 years old

So, despite the modus operandi can make you think of a subversive attack – with the double deflagration, the first used as a bait and the second lethal – the currently privileged tracks lead back to a family environment: we think in particular of disagreements between the owner of the home and his son, with whom he seems not to run well, and to try to collect the building insurance money. But caution is a must: "investigations continue at 360 degrees and nothing is left out," says an investigator. The only thing certain is that it was not an accident: "the explosion was deliberately and deliberately determined. It is a malicious act, "said the public prosecutor of Alessandria, Enrico Cieri, in no uncertain terms.

Alexandria, who were the three firefighters who died in the explosion

What happened and the modalities of the action – in a Piedmont cradle of antagonism, even violent – immediately made us think of an attack aimed at hitting the police that would have intervened on the spot: the first explosion, by now modality tested in environments of anarcho-insurrectionism, it would thus serve as a reminder; the second to kill. In short, a trap. And the finding of electric wires and a sort of timer on the spot would have confirmed this hypothesis. But the investigators, however, have branded themselves as "unfounded": "it is not terrorism". An uninhabited building of a small center, this is the reasoning, it is not the target of those who normally turn their actions against barracks or institutional sites. Moreover, the trigger and the 'timer' found are defined as extremely rudimentary and it is not at all certain that the second explosion was desired: the dynamics rather describes a botched and improvised way of acting. Of course the investigations of the bomb technicians and specialists of Ris will say more about the technique adopted, but the investigating carabinieri are confident of reaching the conclusion of the case before the outcome of these technical investigations. Two, in particular, are the tracks that are currently privileged.

The first concerns the relationship between the owner of the house and his son, who are not described as idyllic. Quite the contrary. The investigators listened to the owner, as an informed person of the facts, and his family members. According to the attorney of Alexandria, the man has not reported "nothing significant except a mere summary of the facts. They are all information that must be compared, balanced, examined and weighed. We are still at the beginning of this activity ", he simply added. The second run assumes instead an intentional act aimed at collecting the insurance premium on the house, which was in fact uninhabited and, for a certain period, was also put up for sale. It would have been a way of collecting cash that, apparently, would have been very convenient for a family that some describe as having financial difficulties. But the investigations, the investigators repeat, go on across the board and do not leave out any hypothesis: not even that, which is discussed in the village, according to which the attack could be a sort of settlement of accounts linked to betting on horses.

Last updated: 18:17


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