"Guilt of the penal shield". Over 10 thousand jobs at risk – Repubblica.it


ROME – Sensational turning point in the story of the former Ilva. ArcelorMittal, the Anglo-Indian group that has rented to then acquire the steelworks of Taranto, Novi Ligure and Cornigliano, has notified the extraordinary commissioners of the company of the will to terminate the agreement concerning their Ilva Spa and some of its subsidiaries. A step back from the understanding that just in these days celebrates only one year of life. The announcement of the multinational company comes with a statement, in which it is stated that "according to the contents of the agreement" of October 31, 2018 ArcelorMittal "asked the extraordinary Commissioners to take responsibility for Ilva's activities and the employees within 30 days of receipt of communication ".A position disputed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, according to which "there is no reason to justify the withdrawal. The rule on the criminal shield was not in the contract and cannot be invoked". Immediate reply from the company that provided the Ansa agency with the "lease and loan agreement" between Arcelor Mittal and former commissioners Ilva (in the modified version compared to the original 2017 and filed in September 2018 at the Milan Chamber of Commerce ) where there is a withdrawal clause for the "tenant" of the establishments. In the text, the right is ensured in the event that a legislative provision cancels the Dpcm of September 29, 2017 in full or in part in order to "make the operation of the Taranto establishment impossible" or the industrial plan "impossible".
To clarify the clauses linked to the withdrawal, the former Minister of Economic Development, Carlo Calenda, tries: "I know that agreement, I have it
signed me. It does not expressly provide for the right of withdrawal in the event of modification of the criminal shield, but provides for the possibility of withdrawal in the event of a change in relevant regulations, such as to call into question sustainability, the business plan ". In these terms – he explained again Calenda in a note – the clause is there but "ArcelorMittal cannot autonomously close the blast furnaces", the right of withdrawal "must first be ascertained by the Court". Hence its conclusion: "It is plausible that the Court recognizes it but not can move independently "

Politics in turmoil, summit at Palazzo Chigi and convocation for the steel plant

While the political controversy is raging, the government is forced to convene an extraordinary summit at Palazzo Chigi with Patuanelli, Provenzano, Speranza, Catalfo, Costa, Gualtieri and Prime Minister Conte himself. He also called the heads of the steel plant, setting a meeting tomorrow afternoon. "The government will not allow the closure of Ilva", economic development sources present at the meeting know. "There are no legal prerequisites for the termination of the contract. We will immediately convene Mittal", the men close to Minister Patuanelli affirm. In turn, the multinational has convened the metalworkers 'unions of Fim, Fiom and Uilm, for tomorrow afternoon at 5 pm, after a request made by the workers' organizations themselves.


Ilva and ArcelorMittal's farewell: chronicle of a death announced

ArcelorMittal's position

In the letter of the multinational company it is underlined how the contract foresees that, "in the event that a new legislative provision affects the Taranto plant at an environmental level to such an extent that its management or implementation of the industrial plan is impossible, the company has the contractual right to withdraw from the contract ". With effect from 3 November 2019 – adds Arcelor "the Italian Parliament has eliminated the legal protection necessary for the Company to implement its environmental plan without the risk of criminal responsibility, thus justifying the communication of withdrawal".Concept reiterated by the new managing director of ArcelorMittal Italy, Lucia Morselli, in a letter to employees: "It is not possible to manage the plant without these" legal "protections necessary for the execution of the environmental plan", "definitively removed yesterday with the failure to convert into law of the relative decree ". For the manager, "it is not possible to expose employees and collaborators to potential criminal actions". Now, it is the nefarious program, "it will be necessary to implement an orderly suspension of all production activities, starting with the hot area of ​​the Taranto plant, which is the most exposed to the risks deriving from the absence of legal protection". However, there remains a gloss that sounds like an ultimatum to the government: Morselli says to the workers that "it is essential that this plan is carried out in a safe and structured way so that the plants are not damaged and can return to being operational quickly". As if to say that if the executive backed up, Ilva could be rekindled.

In addition to the theme of the shield – details of the company communique – the provisions issued by the Criminal Court of Taranto oblige the Extraordinary Commissioners to complete certain prescriptions by December 13, 2019 under penalty of extinguishing the blast furnace number 2 ". A stop that" would make impossible implement its industrial plan and, in general, execute the contract "

Ex Ilva, the ArcelorMittal case explodes, Salvini: "Conte report in Parliament"

ArcelorMittal undertook to make environmental investments for 1.1 billion, production for 1.2 billion and to pay the former Ilva, once the rental period ended (18 months starting November 1, 2018), 1.8 billion euros (minus the fees already paid). The former Ilva employs 10,700 workers, of which 8,200 in Taranto.

In recent days, the Minister of Economic Development, Patuanelli, had met the company, explaining that a new summit with the company and trade unions should have been held in mid-November. In Taranto currently 1276 workers are in ordinary layoffs for 13 weeks. While waiting to complete the environmental rehabilitation measures prescribed by the Hague, ArcelorMittal was authorized to produce 6 million tons of steel in the Puglia factory, but the estimate for this year is 4.5 million. The company loses 2 million euros a day.

Arcelor Mittal, in Taranto the wrath of workers and unions: "A social bomb caused by political incompetence"

The anger of the unions

"Among the main motivations of ArcelorMittal, the mess on the penal shield. A masterpiece of incompetence and political fear: don't defuse environmental bomb and unite social bomb". The reaction of the national secretary of Fim Cisl, Marco Bentivogli, to the news. ArcelorMittal "must clarify his intentions with respect to the agreement of 6 September 2018, regardless of the question of immunity. And we ask the government to urgently call the table," said Francesca Re David, general secretary of Fiom, commenting on the communication of the 'company. "Arcelor Mittal's decision foreshadows an industrial catastrophe for our country: without the factories involved, the future of our economy becomes more uncertain. This disengagement, whose origins are to be thoroughly examined, is unacceptable", the reaction of the UIL laeder , Carmelo Barbagallo. "The Government must intervene: we will ask it with determination to the Premier Conte, already at this evening's meeting at Palazzo Chigi".

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