Adriana and Filippo, accused of murder, speak for the first time of their relationship with the woman found dead on the Aurelia
I am a river in full Filippo and his companion, Adriana Pereira Gomes. The two – suspects for voluntary homicide, concealment of corpses and improper use and falsification of credit cards – are parents of three minor children, now entrusted to social services. Gomes, during an interrogation, would have admitted that he had hidden his mother-in-law's body by itself. The lawyers Eleonora Gotiis Francesco Nardini, they organized an interview with their clients but did not allow questions related to admissions: "These are investigative circumstances," they say. When and why Gomes would have hidden the body of Simonetta Gaggioli and how a woman so thin as to carry the body of a woman over 70 kilos would remain unanswered.
Filippo and Adriana limit themselves to telling moments of life prior to the night of 26 July, when Simonetta Gaggioli would have died after having ingested a drug in large doses. "I don't understand what happened," says Filippo. "We certainly weren't, but I don't think my mother killed herself either. She was a tiger, a very strong woman. No one could hurt her because she was really tough. I have an idea I did it – he continues – I understood something by reading the excessive dosage of drugs in the newspapers. Then there are things he had not told me: he was weak of heart, I didn't know, he always tried to protect me ".
"Since my father-in-law passed away in 2012 – adds Adriana – she was a bit weak". The couple then recounts the reason that led them to leave Brazil three years ago: "I wanted children to learn Italian culture – says Filippo – and then we also wanted to be close to my mother, she was alone". "Staying here was a sacrifice for us – says Adriana – here we are practically beggars while in Brazil we have a restaurant and a house".
The couple wanted to return to Brazil and from what a witness told them, Adriana would have tried to buy airline tickets in the week in which Gaggioli had disappeared: "We wanted to go back to Brazil, it is true, there is no work here – says Filippo – But my mother was also included in the project, I would also have taken her to the end of the world »,« We had wanted to come back for a long time – continues Adriana – I took a nice salary in Tirrenia doing the cook and I asked my mother a little 'help to buy tickets because I wanted to keep some money to reopen the restaurant. This thing came out after my mother-in-law disappeared but we didn't know it was gone ». «And then Brazil is not the moon – intervenes Filippo – if one commits a serious crime Interpol comes: there I am very well known, it would have been easy to trace me. We could not escape, therefore ». "We are normal people, we didn't have to hide from something we didn't do," adds Gomes. Painful notes when dealing with the subject of relatives: «We have no relationship with them – says Adriana – They have always been selfish. They never came. When a family exists it must also be present emotionally. Here the money does not enter: there were three beautiful children in this house who were Simonetta's passion ".
Simonetta was strong, she was a very intelligent woman. She was "the matriarch of the house" as Adriana called her "who was always right in any discussion". A loving grandmother and a mainstay: "We had a relationship as a mother and daughter – says the woman – Simonetta welcomed me into her home from day one". «A love relationship – explains Filippo – My mother was everything. My son is the first of the class thanks to the education she gave him ».
Just the children are the concern of the couple. The children today are in a family home and the parents can see them a couple of times a week: "We haven't told the children anything yet: we just said that the grandmother is in the hospital – explains Adriana – They ask so many questions but it's already a tragedy that they were taken away ». No special memory of the night of 26 July: "I came home from work late, I hugged her and nothing, I don't remember anything," says Adriana; "I saw her in the evening and she practically disappeared like this – says Filippo snapping her fingers – It's a nightmare".
Wish death on Facebook. "We will denounce them"
What has been called "the yellow of Riotorto" has become a hot topic on social media and there are many comments written by those who knew Simonetta Gaggioli. On Facebook in particular there are many posts made by the woman's friends or acquaintances but there are also many comments that can be read under the articles or videos. Post that exude hatred: «For months now on the social media a mountain is produced daily of discrediting against Filippo Andreani and Adriana Pereira Gomes »says lawyer Filippo Nardini. Precisely for this reason the two lawyers are evaluating some related actions: "An account is an opinion – says Nardini – an account is to say that they must die in jail, that they are criminals who are murderers and criminals. This has not been written once but many, practically every day. This is slander and defamation on social media and it is appropriate to make a point. Furthermore, there are also three minors involved ». "When it is clear we will go after these people," says Andreani. Anyone who publishes insulting, offensive or disparaging phrases on social networks that could harm the dignity of others risks being imprisoned for up to a year or a fine of up to 1,032 euros, which can reach 2,065 euros.
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