Protected hearing for little Alvin, returned to Italy from Syria
The child confirmed the death of his mother Valbona
BARZAGO – The first audition for the young Alvin Berisha took place this morning, Thursday, with the support of a psychologist by the investigators of the Ros of the Carabinieri.

The military tried with the child to reconstruct the delicate story he experienced in Syria, particularly regarding the fate of his mother Valbona, the same one that in 2014 kidnapped him to take him to the ISIS fighters and on which hangs an international arrest warrant for terrorism.

Alvin, according to national press reports, during the interview with the investigators confirmed the woman's fate, which the child would have seen with his own eyes die during a bombing.
Mother and son, said Alvin, would have been in a refugee camp (different from the one in Hol where he was a guest in the last few months) when the bombing took place. The child would have told the episode in tears.
His emotional state, still strongly troubled by the events he had experienced, would have made the investigators decide to listen to him again in the coming weeks.
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