
Victory is heavy. Not only for the value of a Salzburg that is perhaps too undervalued ("it was difficult to win here, the Salzburg is really strong, but not everyone knows it", Ancelotti's words in the post-game), due to the arithmetical importance and for the many absences – with Manolas not recovering and in the pre-match he is going to add to injured Maksimovic and Mario Rui -, but above all because Napoli manages to fight as a collective and to sacrifice and respectfully follow Ancelotti's tactical plan. The midfield retrieves balls in repetition, often avoiding with quality the fierce front line of the Salzburg – carried with 5-6 elements -, and then at that point to open the field, finding an opponent not placed, and immediately hurt with the leg of Mertens and Lozano, preferred to Milik and Insigne because of their characteristics. Long phases of suffering, also due to two individual errors – of Malcuit on the penalty of the first goal and of Koulibaly that pierces the header on the second one – which however give Ancelotti also an Allan finally on very high levels and Luperto who, among the skepticism, closes among the best in the field. For an external victory – which had been missing for three years in the Champions League – which can mark the expected change of course for the season.
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