The country leads the world rankings according to the Credit Suisse report based on wealth per adult, followed by the United States; in Italy there are 1,496 millionaires
by Lucilla Incorvati
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Overall wealth in the world is close to 360.6 trillion dollars according to the 10th edition of Credit Suisse report. The analysis estimates wealth based on the financial and real estate assets of individuals. The peak recorded in 2017 (351.5 trillion dollars) had evoked the "golden age" of the early years of the century when wealth grew at an annual average of 10%. But it was a false alarm: in 2018 there was a drop to $ 345.4 trillion.
An adult has an average of $ 70,850
The report on global wealth analyzes the assets of 5.1 billion individuals in around 200 countries. Adult wealth reached a new record at $ 70,850, up 1.2% compared to mid-2018 (it was 70,460). One fact, this, that should be read with another: more than half of the adults in the world have a net worth of less than 10 thousand dollars. Thus, almost 1% of adult millionaires collectively own 44% of the world's wealth.
Disparity and rebalancing
In the early years of the century, disparities in the distribution of wealth were reduced in many countries. Today the poorest 90% share represents 18% of the world heritage, compared to 11% in 2000. It is premature to say that a downward phase has begun for the inequalities, but the prevailing data indicate that 2016 could have represented the peak for the near future. If the gaps are still many, some changes in the social pyramid are registered. Women seem to recover compared to men but for the new generations it is not easy to achieve the same results as parents or even grandparents, especially in mature economies.
Swiss mecca of the scourgers
In terms of wealth per adult, it is Switzerland that wins the first place overall (with 17. 790 dollars), followed by the United States (11.980 dollars), Japan (9.180 dollars) and the Netherlands (9.160 dollars). Leads the ranking of losers in Australia (- 28. 670 dollars), mainly due to exchange rates, followed by other countries that recorded significant losses: Norway (- 7,520 dollars), Turkey (- 5,230 dollars) and Belgium ( – 4,330 dollars).
Who is on the roof of the world
There are 46.8 million millionaires and 56,000 super-rich, meaning those with wealth of over 100 million. The number of millionaires in the world has increased by 1.1 million people since 2018. The US has contributed more than 50% to this growth, with 675,000 new millionaires. On the contrary, Australia recorded a decline with the loss of 124 thousand millionaires, the United Kingdom and Turkey with the loss of 27 thousand and 24 thousand millionaires respectively. In Italy, millionaires have gone from 424 in 2010 to 1,496 in June but have fallen compared to 1,516 in June 2018.
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