PADUA The first question never changes: "Why me?" The reasons for a tumor, which enters a straight leg in a person's everyday life, do not find an answer in the minds normally occupied in the small or large worries of life. Anyone is unprepared to answer a question like this: "Why me?" When Monica Bergantin finds out she has breast cancer at the age of 35, she too loses her head behind this puzzle. «It is a thought that is there to torment you day and night – he explains – then, suddenly, you discover that it is a trap, it is a question that has no answer, and then I started to react, my life had to change, but I could not wait to get well, I had to start right away, I wasn't cancer, I was always Monica ».

From worker to social services technician
Like an Amazon, this courageous woman who today is 49 and lives in Cavarzere, has taken her life back into her own hands and made her revolution. And if we wanted to reverse that question, we could almost say that Monica was cured because she still had to do things, the most important ones, those that fill her heart and made her become a new woman. Monica was a worker in a clothes company and after the outcome of her first breast cancer tests, after overcoming the loss and the initial fear, she decided that that life was no longer enough for her, that there was something else to pulse inside. "I had let go of my ambitions, and I took them back," he says, so he studied and graduated as a social services technician following night school. The books on one side, the chemo drip on the other and the mother who questioned her to get her ready. Strong as a tiger, Monica took the Maturity, but had to face a new test: another carcinoma, this time at the Thyroid. Rapid diagnosis and solver intervention allowed her not to fall and continue. The path of her new life has led her to work in the intensive care unit of the Immaculate Conception Hospital in Piove di Sacco. From breast cancer it is healed, the thyroid is ok, but it must be under control. "It is as if the cancer had pushed me to improve, I could not give it to me, it would not have been me, I felt inside a force that I never thought I had, now I work full time, I am in contact every day with pain and disease, disability, but I try to bring hope with my example – he says – I regret not having children but I have Nero and Camilla, my two dogs, whom I love, I have six wonderful grandchildren and they are my medicines – he continues – I learned that cures, medicines save, but love also saves. I have learned that the days before us are not infinite, so we must add so much life in every day that we live ". "I am bewitched by such extraordinary stubbornness – says Ulss 6 director of the Italian Domenico Scibetta – Monica has pulled out her claws and saved herself, now her courage and that beauty transfers them to the hospital every day, where she turns into an infusion of life ".
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