Pau Lopez 7: afternoon as a spectator until he is called into question, turning a powerful shot from Depaoli into a corner. He repeats himself again on Bonazzoli's left foot, avoiding defeat to the team.
Spinazzola 6: game without infamy and without praise for him. Play right back with few offensive tasks (it's Kolarov to play high), defends normal.
Mancini 6.5: he begins by misreading two aerial situations in the center of the area, growing with the passing of the minutes, playing a game of character. It is also proposed in the offensive phase, in search of the goal it cannot find in a couple of circumstances. It ends up being one of the best
Smalling 7: perfect match for the British giant. He wins all the air duels and saves the door defended by Lopez raising the good ball to Quagliarella, with a first paw, then sacrificing himself, in recovery, with a great closure on Jankto.
Kolarov 5.5: first time characterized by his (strange as we are used to) imprecision in the cross. With Kalinic he is a player, with the entry of Dzeko another.
Cristante SV: his game lasts just a few minutes, then he is eloquent: "He pulled me" (the editor ndr) and is forced to leave the field. From 6 ' Pastor 6.5: plays central midfielder for emergency in a game where fortunately has little pressure from the opponents and suffers little. Ball to foot is seen to be the only one to have that quality that is missing from his companions. It takes 3-4 verticalizations that could be better exploited and has the best chance to win the game with a shot from outside deflected for a corner.
Veretout 6.5: without Cristante he finds himself having to give quantity and quality to the midfield of Roma. Play a diligent game, widening the field well, spinning the ball to try to encircle the Sampdorian bus.
Florenzi 5.5: It plays at the top left gives the feeling of having to take measurements, he used to have all the band available. It provides a couple of good assists, but is inaccurate in the play, like when you try the Sunday shot from the front of the corner that ends in the corner. From 75 ' Perotti 6: has the 1sv1 in the strings and tries it. A few minutes available, but his return to the field is one of the few good new ones of the afternoon.
Zaniolo 5: power is nothing without control. A soccer is played with the ball and also with the head. Even today the choice of bets is wrong, two in all: in the first half when he can easily send Kalinic into the door, in the second when he wastes a greedy action (which he built with his usual progression on the band) looking for Kluivert with a lob in depth , instead of servant Dzeko, better positioned.
Kluivert 5: it is hardly ever seen except when it receives the disciplinary sanctions from Maresca. The second mystery, at a time when every force and man was needed to look for the 3 points is an important ingenuity.
Kalinic 5.5: little supported by his companions, he limits himself to some support to make the team rise. He has a great potential opportunity to take the team ahead, but Zaniolo misses the chance of passing the pass and Audero arrives before he can control the ball. From 45 ' Dzeko 6.5: masked knight in a horror competition, on the subject of Halloween at the gates, shows the difference between him and the Croatian. Limited on the cross, where you save to protect the double fracture on the cheekbone, create play and try the goal with a decent shot to turn.
Nuno Campos 5.5: the report card bears its name only for the disqualification of Fonseca. Ranieri plays the race everyone expected: compact behind and then in case try to place the blow. The alibi of injuries can be there, but when Dzeko and Pastore turn out to be among the best, starting from the bench, obviously some initial evaluation was wrong. In addition, the team lost the way of scoring and against Sampdoria, including shots on goal.
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