<h2>The four people accused of the murder of the 16-year-old will appear before the judge on 4 December</h2>
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<p><strong>Four people</strong> have been indicted for <strong>the murder of Desiree Mariottini</strong>, the 16 year old found dead between 18 and 19 October 2018 in an abandoned building in the San Lorenzo district a <strong>Rome</strong>. The decision of the gup, as reported by Ansa, concerns the four people accused of voluntary homicide and group sexual violence and the supply and administration of drugs to minors.
THE Nigerian Alinno Chima, Mamadou Gara, called Paco, the Ghanaian Yusef Salia and the Senegalese Brian Minthe will go to trial on December 4 in front of the third Assize Court.
After the decision of the trial judge, the maternal grandmother of Desiree released a statement to ANSA: "Our pain can never be calmed. No sentence will ever give us our Desiree ”.
Desiree's crime
Desiree Mariottini he lived in Cisterna di Latina with his family and for some time he was a victim of drugs. The young woman procured the substance in Via dei Lucani in Rome, in a building frequented by toxic and pusher.
On the afternoon of October 18, she arrived there with Antonella Fauntleroy, a girl she met a few weeks earlier. The girl went in overdose and according to the accusation – as reported by Il Messaggero – they would have been four of them abusing her "Through the constriction of the arms and legs".
Desiree's body was found on a mattress in the abandoned building in San Lorenzo. None of those present asked for help after the overdose and the 16-year-old's heart stopped.
The harsh outlet of the mother
A year after the crime of Desiree, the mother gave herself up to an outburst in an interview with the Messenger: "In these days they killed her again."
In fact, during the preliminary hearing held in recent days, Salia's lawyer has filed one complaint against parents of the sixteen for abandonment of minor.
The girl's family members intend to take legal action against the defendant: "We all proceeded with the complaint for slander and defamation. This is not a defense strategy but an offense based on denigration of the victim. It's shocking! They killed her twice. "
"What justice, however right, can you give me back Desiree? I think of the other people who were there, in the throes of thugs, who did not warn, bartering their dose with indifference, "the victim's mother added.
VIRGILIO NEWS | 10-21-2019 14:23
<a href="https://notizie.virgilio.it/top-news/desiree-chi-sono-i-fermati-le-immagini-208014" title="Desiree, chi sono i fermati. Le immagini" data-md5="3885bb1d68af486bc6edcb9930e05071">
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Photo source: Ansa </span>
<figcaption>Desiree, who are the detainees. Pictures</figcaption>
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