The big problem is that many forget that they subscribed, so it starts to generate a charge on our credit cards. Well, a young man came up with the way to cancel the service before any type of payment is generated.
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According to the British portal Mirror, the application was created by Josh Browder, who created an algorithm called Do Not Pay (don't pay), which a while ago was launched in the United States. This service is called Free Trial Surfing, and is not linked to any type of credit card or bank account of the user.
“The idea for this product came to me when I realized that they were charging me $ 21.99 (about 15 thousand pesos) for the membership of a gym for a year that I never used (…) In fact, I had completely forgotten I had subscribed to a free trial. Keeping track of when a free period ends is annoying and takes time. ”explained the developer.
A little over a month ago Bowder launched the App, and it already has more than 10,000 subscribers. Two of the most services to which cybernetters have been most admitted have been pornography and Netflix.
However, How does this work? The application generates a virtual credit card number and an invented name so that the user can subscribe to the service they want. In fact, the serial number that is generated is in the name of the Browder company, Do not pay.
On the other hand, the application does not work to pay for any other type of purchase or service, it only serves to use the test days. So far several companies have tried to block this, but there are so many subscribers who use it, which has become almost impossible.
The most ironic of all, is that due to success, Browder and his company are evaluating charging for occupying the App: “Right now we are trying it, but maybe one day there will be a cheap subscription, such as $ 2 per month (…) The reason it took so long is that we wanted to make sure it is not accepted if someone uses it to make an authentic purchase ".
It is worth mentioning that currently the free Surfing trial is only available in the Apple App Store, but it is already working on a web version.
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