This procedure, which will benefit nearly 1.3 million policyholders, amends Decree No. 2.08.358 published on July 9, 2008 without increasing premiums.
Aimed at improving the living conditions of private sector employees, as public sector officials, this new measure implements the decision of the Board of Directors of the CNSS, dated July 17, which approves the increase the amount of family allowances by 100 dirhams to 300 dirhams for each of the first three children (and 36 dirhams for the next 3).
This bill, presented by the Minister of Labor and Occupational Integration, is part of the implementation of the social dialogue agreement signed on April 25 between the government, the most important trade union centers. Representative and the General Confederation of Enterprises of Morocco (CGEM), said Thursday the spokesman of the government, Mustapha El Khalfi, reports the MAP.
It should be noted that these allowances represent 20% of the salary of beneficiaries declared unless SMIG, representing 32% of affiliates, according to figures announced by the CNSS, stating that the average salary reported to the CNSS is 5.188 dirhams.
In the same vein, the CNSS also announces an improvement in reimbursements for compulsory health insurance (AMO), which increases to 90% for generic drugs, 100% reimbursement of medical devices, and a reimbursement ranging from 70 to 80% of medical care. In addition, the institution announces a revaluation of the ceilings for dentures that increase from 3.000 dirhams every two years, to 3.000 dirhams per year, as well as the reimbursements of frames and glasses that reach 400 dirhams each instead of 225 dirhams . Progressive lenses will be valued at 800 dirhams.
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