"I couldn't stand it any more than advertising, thank goodness we start". Fiorello launches the first appointment of "Viva RaiPlay!", Connecting with Tg1. Lots of music and a few flashes of satire for the showman who arrives at the studios of Via Asiago, the historic headquarters of Radio Rai, accompanied by Raffaella Carra in the car, who after letting him off scurries away, and Achille Lauro.
The 15-minute daily strip will be broadcast on Rai1 and RaiPlay for five days, until November 8th, in a preview of the 50-minute show that from November 13th will be seen exclusively on the renewed Rai Play platform every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, always at 8.30pm. Before the start is Pippo Baudo, "Rai monarch", to give the pass to Fiorello.
Then microphone to Giorgia who introduces the showman. "I know I said I'd retire but I'm still here, I'm Matteo Renzi from Rai," says Fiorello, before reading a fake newspaper headline entitled 'Fiorello: everything here?' and a strongly critical article with the program. Then duet with the voice off that invites him to an intermezzo of satire.
"Satire me? I don't want to ruin my image as a comedian," replies Fiorello. "Making jokes on the Democratic Party is like shooting on the Red Cross – he continues -. Do you know that those of the Red Cross say: it's like shooting on the Democratic Party?". Then Fiorello injects Massimo Ranieri's Red Roses, but a young Rai Play director invites him to play with the auto-tune before the trap goes out of style. And here is a trap version of Red Roses.
In the final there are Vincenzo Mollica in Muppet version, still music with Anna and Marco di Lucio Dalla sung with Calcutta and Marco Mengoni. Final in the company of Amadeus: Fiorello dresses exactly like the conductor of Tale and which show and the next Festival of Sanremo, which will see him among the guests. (HANDLE).
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