"Libyan health" announces the killing of 14 people and injuring 60 in the armed clashes south of Tripoli

The Ministry of Health in the Libyan National Accord government, on Saturday, killing 14 people, and wounded 60 others during the armed cla...

Written ByOumayma Omar

    Oumayma Omar, based in Baghdad, is a contributor to the Culture and Society sections of The News1 En.

     Libyan health announced 14 people killed and 60 wounded in armed clashes south of Tripoli

    The Ministry of Health in the Libyan National Accord government, on Saturday, killing 14 people, and wounded 60 others during the armed clashes in southern Tripoli last Wednesday. [TheministrysaidinastatementthatthetolloftheclashesthattookplacesouthofTripoliuntilFridayroseto14peopleincluding3civiliansand10soldiersandanunidentifiedpersoninadditiontowounding60othersincluding7civiliansand53militaryThenumberofmissingpersonsTheministryexplainedthatthemedicalteamswereabletoperformAndcalleduponallpartiesnottoviolateIHLandnottoattackambulancedriversortheirvehicleswhilecarryingouttheirduties

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