Coronavirus, the primary of the Sack: “The virus is easily transmitted and survives twenty days in the respiratory secretions”


“We are playing a lot in the coming weeks. Especially for what may happen in regions not yet massively affected by the infections “ from new coronavirus. The suspension of teaching activities in the Italian schools “It is therefore a criterion of prudence, or of a high prudential level as it has been defined, which I do not under any circumstances consider negatively “. It is the vision of the infectious disease specialist Massimo Galli, head of the Sacco hospital in Milan and professor of infectious diseases at the State University of the Lombard capital.

The expert reflects on the measure, which is widely debated also due to the significant impact on families. “If you analyze the decision to suspend schools looking at the half full glass – declares to AdnKronos Salute – sI will say that it makes sense even without counter-evidence, if you look at the glass half empty it will be considered senseless instead. But a situation like this “ linked to the Covid-19 emergency, with thousands of cases that are putting the health system under stress in the regions of Northern Italy most affected, “it never happened and one must have the humility to see what is published day by day“.

“Looking at the literature that is being produced, at the most recent published works, I see for example the story of a 6-month-old baby, apparently healthy like a fish, but positive for Sars-CoV-2 and able to spread the virus in good quantity in its environment. I still see – list Gauls – a job that highlights the efficiency of virus transmission in the context of households; I see the study published in ‘Jama’ on a group of (strongly symptomatic) cases in Singapore that analyzes the viral elimination in body fluids and demonstrates the presence of the virus to the bitter end even for twenty days in the respiratory secretions, often also in the blood and stool, not in the urine. Data is beginning to appear“.

Galli explains that it is one of the aspects that his team also works on. “I hope we will be able to produce data on the duration of the presence of the virus both in symptomatic people and in the absence of symptoms, and still in healing pictures“. There search machine is turned on, continues the specialist, “and we are currently navigating on sight trying to acquire scientific data. Going back to schools it is clear that we have no previous experiences that give us the certainty “.

Such a discussion, remember, “It started with the A / H1N1 virus pandemic in 2009. But it is equally evident, in light of the context we are experiencing, that a criterion of prudence should not be viewed in a negative way“. Especially considering the fact that “The next few weeks will be important“To understand if the infection will be contained.

How long will it take to win this game? “Impossible to make predictions – points out Galli – If you ask me if we will get away quickly, I will answer that we will get away with it. “ As for the reflection that the government is facing regarding the possibility of extending the red zone in Lombardy to the area of ​​Bergamo particularly affected by the infections, the infectious disease specialist makes it clear that he cannot comment on it. “I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that this is the decision. It’s complicated. If you look at the consistency of the interventions – concludes – it can be said that it is better before than after “.

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