But heavy in the yeshiva world: From the Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, the harsh gospel arrives at the departure of Rom from the genius of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Barzel, the head of the Yeshivat Berachfeld Yeshiva, who died at the age of 74 after a serious illness.
In the past year, he had a severe illness and many prayers for his well-being and his healing, at his meeting – Mir Brachfeld held round-the-clock prayers and received good receipts, but today his body collapsed and he underwent resuscitation at night on Friday night, and his soul returned to its creator.
Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Barzel, born late to his father Rabbi Chaim Ezra Barzel, one of the most important city of Torah Bnei Brak and the rabbis of the Mekor Chaim Yeshiva in Jerusalem, who for many years beat Torah and awe, and his mother Rabbinate Mrs. Hana of Ara.
In his youth he learned and learned his teachings in the Ponivez Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, where he was the favorite of the yeshiva leaders and instilled their teachings, while in his yeshivas there was something in understanding the Torah and his great wisdom. He was a kind student to Rabbi Yechezkel Levinstein, the late overseer.
Upon his arrival, he married his rabbinic wife Shachhi, the daughter of the genius Rabbi Eliezer Lupian, the head of Yeshivat Torat Emet in London, and the son of the righteous overseer, Rabbi Eliyahu Lupian of the late “Eliyahu”, who oversees the meeting of the Knesset Hezekiah Ridge.
After his marriage, he lived in Gateshead, England, and later immigrated to the Holy Land.
For many years, Torah struck and first appeared at the Nahalat Yaakov Yeshiva in Kiryat Herzog in Bnei Brak, where he headed the yeshiva for close to two decades. Subsequently, with the establishment of the Mir Berachfeld Yeshiva, he was appointed by Rabbi Natan Zvi Finkel, head of the Yeshiva, to serve as head of the Mir Yeshiva in Modi’in Illit.
At the meeting there was a general lesson every Tuesday alongside witnesses and was the head of the order of proficiency, at the Mir meeting there was a much admired and admired figure among all students.
Younger boys from Yeshiva also enjoyed talking to him, who Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak would address to him, that you, the younger ones, could come and talk to me as well.
He had a special connection with the head of the genius Yeshiva Rabbi Aryeh Finkel, who loved and liked him in a special way.
The members of the yeshiva are fondly remembered and told to “ultra-Orthodox” when Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak sang the song “The Son of My Dear Ephraim” on Saturdays when he was staying in the yeshiva that was heartbreaking.
On the night of Tisha B’Av, after the lamentation in Beit Midrash in Kiryat Sefer, he would deliver the traditional conversation at the Mir Yeshiva Hall in Brachfeld where he would cry bitterly over the destruction and thousands of Modi’in Illit residents would come to hear his talk.
Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak honored Gd from his throat and would come on the second night of Rosh Hashanah on Orh Haim Street to give a talk and serve as a cantor in Maariv prayer, Yeshiva members say that Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak would bring in the Rosh Hashanah animals on the second day.
Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Barzel, late author of many books and pamphlets on the dates and the Torah in the legend, his many books “Iyuni Rashi” Iyuni Legion on the Passover Haggada and dozens of other books on all subjects.
In the city of Modi’in Illit, he served as a member of the community of yeshiva students on Or Haim Street in Kiryat Sefer and one of the prominent rabbis of Modi’in Illit. Each week there was a profoundly profoundly thought-provoking article.
The students tell the “anxious rooms” about a true and simple man who spoke to everyone at eye level, was one of the greatest scholars of the generation in a special devotion to all his students.
Won and left behind a blessed straight generation, sons and daughters, grandsons and grandchildren and descendants who continue his great journey.
On the funeral procession and the exact times (Friday), on the eve of the Holy Sabbath, the Tzvah affair – remember we will keep up to date on “Haredi Rooms.”
And all the house of Israel shall weep for the fire which the Lord burnt.
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