Alegre will basically earn a basic salary of 1 million and three hundred and fifty thousand euros. However, you can earn discretionary bonuses on an annual basis that could increase by 100%. It could also increase its revenue by another 100% if the earnings – per – share of the Activision Blizzard are 20% better than expected. All this to say that he could potentially carry up to 4 million a year in his pocket. As if that weren’t enough, Alegre will receive a signing bonus of € 2.5 million and stock options worth € 5 million. In total they would make around 11 million.

Now, you will think, that it ended here: naive, like us who thought it with you. Alegre will receive life insurance for him and his wife for an additional 5 million more. Although the numbers are literally mind-boggling, considering that Warcraft is one of the most popular MMORPGs of all time, Activision Blizzard can certainly afford them. The company is one of the most important companies in the market and in recent years sales have been going very well: the result of forward-looking campaigns and always on the wave of its target.
We are facing gargantuan numbers, difficult to justify in the face of the normal salary of an employee, especially in a period of crisis as in this period, where the gap between the rich and the poor is truly palpable.
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