The pharmacy is a Covid-19 high risk location


To formalize that pharmacies and parapharmacies the Technical Document on the possible remodulation of the measures to contain the contagion from Sars-CoV-2 in the lworkplaces and prevention strategies, made available on theInail, the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work.

Integrated evaluation

THE pharmacists fall into a high level of risk in relation to the spread of Covid19. Inail established it in the Report approved by Technical Scientific Committee of Civil Protection. The report, he reports, is the result of a research work conducted by the institute also as a technical scientific body of the national health service, and is composed of two parts: the first concerns the preparation of an innovative methodology of integrated evaluation that takes into account the risk of coming into contact with sources of contagion, while the second is focused on the adoption of organizational measures, prevention and protection, as well as to fight the onset of epidemic outbreaks. Infectious risk is, in fact, classified according to three variables: exposure, that is, the probability of coming into contact with sources of contagion in carrying out work activities; proximity between colleagues; aggregation, understood as contacts with other subjects.

Greater danger

The three parameters taken into consideration make it clear how the most dangerous work environment is that relating to healthcare operatorsi, with the pharmacy in a high level of risk, making it clear how the risk of infection at work it is concrete and has led to high numbers of infections, equal to approximately 10% of the total cases and numerous deaths. That pharmacists and pharmacies fall into a high level of risk in relation to the spread of Covid-19 was expected, but now the Inail has become official, in Relationship approved by Scientific Technical Committee (Cts) established at the Civil Protection, in which the Institute participates with its representative. The document is of particular importance because it constitutes the reference grid on risks for the gradual resumption of activities in the so-called Phase 2 and provides indications on the prevention measures – to be proportionate to the risk levels – to be put in place to protect workers, but also citizens.


In the meantime, it has arrived the agreement between government, business associations and social partners on the new “Shared regulatory protocol of measures to combat and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the workplace “, which updates the indications contained in that of 14 March. But what does this classification mean? Based on the risk matrix, a number of measures can be taken designed to prevent or mitigate the risk of contagion for workers. The management of the first emergency phase has allowed us to acquire preventive experiences that can be developed in the second phase.


According to the document, it is the involvement of all the corporate prevention figures is essential, doctor competent in assisting the employer in a punctual monitoring of the implementation of the measures, with also worker participation. So there is the need to take a series of actions that complement the document risk assessment (DVR) and in relation to companies where the competent doctor is not already present, extraordinarily, the appointment of an ad hoc competent doctor or alternative solutions, also with the involvement of public territorial structures (for example, territorial preventive services, Inail) that, as for other activities, can make the visits, maybe even at the request of the worker. Epidemiological data show clearly greater fragility in the older age groups as well as in the presence of some types of chronic degenerative diseases (cardiovascular, respiratory and dysmetabolic diseases). With this in mind, the exceptional health surveillance which would be carried out on workers aged under 55 or on workers under this age but who believe to return, due to pathological conditions, in this condition also through a visit on request.

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