Coronavirus in Emilia-Romagna :: 15,932 cases (+599) and 91 other deaths. “Right way, enough with the bar predictions”


BOLOGNA. I’m 15,932 the cases of positivity to Coronavirus in Emilia-Romagna, 599 more than yesterday; 63.682 i tests carried out, 3,625 more. These are the data – ascertained at 12 noon today, Friday 3 April, on the basis of institutional requests – relating to the progress of the epidemic in region.Overall, there are 6,952 people in solitary confinement at homebecause they have mild symptoms, which do not require hospital treatment, or are symptom free (312 more compared to yesterday); those hospitalized in intensive care are 364, 2 less compared to yesterday. And 29 hospitalized registered in less even in non-intensive care units (3,915 today compared to 3,944 that were counted yesterday). THE deaths have unfortunately passed from 1,811 to 1,902:: 91 moretherefore, including 62 men

Venturi: “We are on the right track”

“Even today the data are largely positive – comments the commissioner ad acta Sergio Venturi, officially confirmed until 31 July – There have been times when 9 out of 10 swabs were positive, now one out of six. Then there are two fewer people in positive therapy: it testifies to the fact that one comes out of therapy, slowly but goes out. Healing is another very positive fact: 189 more. It is also very good from this point of view. Another significant fact that I never say but worth the effort: it is a negative hospitalization balance of 29 people. They are more discharged than those who entered. The cases are less serious than two weeks ago and there are more free beds: this is the right way. The growth of 3-4% of cases, but also because we make more tampons: it fits. The important thing is that they don’t get to the hospital and that’s what’s happening. The 31 Bolognese deaths are not all yesterday, they were belatedly attributed to the coronavirus. Sooner or later we must make a reflection on the dead “for” and those “with” the virus: many would have died anyway “.


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Against tests and forecasts

“Every day – Venturi finally argues polemically – you feel an opionist who goes out without a head or a tail. Anyone who gives dates and speculates on the end of the virus, does not know and cannot know. I, if I hear about May 1st , as a hypothesis, I get angry: it could be earlier, but also later. What sense does it make to talk so vile? To deceive or depress people in such a difficult moment? The bar predictions are made at the bar, when it is open: we are not talking of the soccer championship. When those who lose their balance are part of the government it is serious because they are listened to. Opinions in freedom must not be expressed, we try to work in the same direction avoiding the sports bar “”The serological tests on sale are flourishing – concludes Venturi -. If they take us, they still force us to a subsequent step, that is, another test and then possibly a real swab in the hospital. It is useless if one has no symptoms. ha, calling 118 is the best thing. Avoid spending unnecessary money and making mental trips. In the coming weeks we will surely get to sample the population, to understand how much of the population has had the disease. In this we will anticipate the policy national, the opposite – that I remember – never happens “

in reproduction ….

The analysis of the data

In the meantime, healings continue to rise, reaching 1,852 (189 more compared to yesterday), 1,293 of which concern “clinically healed” people, who have become asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection; 559 those declared healed in all respects because they tested negative in two consecutive tests.As for i deaths, for the most part, investigations are underway to check whether previous pathologies were present. THE new deaths concern 18 residents in the province of Piacenza, 9 in that of Parma, 14 in that of Reggio Emilia, 9 in that of Modena, 31 in that of Bologna (nobody in territory Imola), 3 in that of Ferrara, 2 in the province of Forlì-Cesena (none in the Forlì area), 4 in that of Rimini. No deaths occurred in the province of Ravenna. A single death refers to a resident outside the region.


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These cases of positivity on the territory, which instead refer not to the province of residence but to that in which the diagnosis was made: Piacenza 2811 (46 more than yesterday), Parma 2083 (34 more), Reggio Emilia 2,800 (135 more), Modena 2498 (82 more), Bologna 2,041 (99 more), Imola 298 (15 more), Ferrara 368 (27 more), Ravenna 656 (29 more), Forlì-Cesena 866 (of which 447 in Forlì, 63 more than yesterday, and 419 in Cesena, 14 more), Rimini 1,511 (55 more).

Additional beds: 5,118 (+40 compared to yesterday)
From Piacenza to Rimini, work continues within the hospital network to implement the plan strengthening of the beds developed by the Region; beds that go from 5,078 yesterday to 5,118 today (+40), between ordinary (4,558, +28) and di intensive care (560, +12).


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The hospital “network” to help Piacenza
More than a month after the beginning of the epidemic, the most critical area continues to remain that of Emilia-north, in particular in the province of Piacenza. The hospitals of Piacenza and Castel San Giovanni are the ones that, since the early days, have experienced maximum saturation levels, despite the gradual expansion of beds. In the last few days there has been a reduction in emergency room visits (the maximum peak was recorded on March 16 with 135 visits by Covid suspect patients; yesterday, April 2, there were 23 visits), and consequently hospitalizations. Piacenza hospitals, however, continue to suffer from the “load” of the previous days since the discharge times of the most critical patients are long (up to 3-4 weeks).

Therefore the need emerged for support this territory with a regional intervention. For this reason, as early as the first days of March, other hospitals in the region they welcomed more than 100 patients from intensive care in the province of Piacenza. The patients were received mainly in the least affected territories (Bologna, Ferrara and Romagna, excluding Rimini). Some patients were also transferred to the intensive care of accredited private structures (Villalba and Villa Erbosa in Bologna and Villa Maria Cecilia of Cotignola – Ravenna). Even today 5 intensive care patients left Piacenza for the Maggiore and Bentivoglio hospital in Bologna, Cona di Ferrara, Policlinico di Modena and Cesena Hospital. The principle was to make the entire regional network available to the most affected areas, allowing Emilia-Romagna to be self-sufficient and avoid long transfers outside the region or even abroad.


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From today it has been started a further path dedicated to patients currently in sub-intensive care but a risk of aggravation. This allows to transfer a greater number of patients and, above all, to carry out transport in less critical conditions (these are non-intubated patients). The transfer system provides for a clinical evaluation of patients shared by the professionals of Piacenza with the “Regional Coordination for Acute Respiratory Failure COVID-19”.

The assessment takes into account both the risk of aggravation, and therefore the possible need for intensive care, and the possibility for the patient to face the transfer. Today have been carried out 15 transfers from Piacenza to hospitals throughout the region (Modena, Bologna, Ferrara and Cesena). At least 10 are scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday 4 April. Subsequently, a re-evaluation of the needs will be carried out and the activity planned for the next week.


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The Regional Coordination, through constant monitoring of the availability of beds in the various hospitals, identifies the possible destination of the patients and the Bologna ICT19 center is responsible for organizing transport, finding both the vehicles and the crews. This is a complex operation, necessary to allow the Piacenza area to continue to face the emergency in less critical conditions, both for patients and for healthcare professionals.


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