Panzona, the unfortunate and very tender cat that suckles an abandoned puppy dog


It seems to be a story with a happy ending that of Panzona, a cat from Samugheo, one of the many “wrecks”, renamed in this way by the staff of the Duemari veterinary clinic of Oristano, the same who saved the certain pitbul Palla from certain death also beyond national borders and a symbol of the fight against animal violence.

It was March 24 when the pregnant cat was recovered and taken to the clinic. Her clinical picture immediately appeared very serious: poisoned, convulsed and induced to a pharmacological coma to overcome convulsions from organophosphorus poisoning. Hour after hour, the numerous users who follow the clinic’s social page have waited for the animal’s body temperature to rise towards normal and the antidotes worked against the toxic.

The days that followed led to a good recovery of the cat. Initially afraid, weak and a little wary, she finally took refuge among the care and caresses of the clinic staff until the happy event, three puppies, long awaited and updated in real time, which took place on April 23. Today, however, a further surprise. Together with the three kittens engaged in drinking milk from their mother, there is also a puppy dog. “If it seems a little strange to you as a kitten, you are right – they explain from the clinic – it is a small, injured, micro dog that has been thrown into a courtyard. We entrusted it to Panzona who took it; this cat is a marvel. ”

It is absolutely not obvious that an animal will accept a puppy that is not his, let alone if he does not even belong to his species. This time it happened. In short, a small miracle that bodes well also for the survival of the dog, the umpteenth cruelty of man towards animals.


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