“Juve very attentive to Donnarumma situation”


Niccolò Ceccarini, director of Tmw Radio, spoke about the Milan market at Milannews.it. His words: “The issue of Donnarumma is even more delicate: he has a contract expiring in 2021, Milan must be able to lock him down in order not to lose him on a free transfer. In 2017 Donnarumma made an important choice, demonstrating his great attachment to these colors: the offers were certainly not lacking but he decided to stay in the AC Milan. Unfortunately, Milan did not manage to return to being the protagonist as we were used to seeing: almost three years have passed since the renewal but the team has struggled The central knot is therefore what will happen with Donnarumma. Such a strong goalkeeper likes it in Italy and abroad, but above all Juventus likes it. The Juventus club, despite the renewal of Szczesny, is very attentive to the situation of number 99 : he is an extraordinary goalkeeper and the big clubs don’t want to miss him, especially in the event that the economic conditions should be advantageous “.

What is the department in which AC Milan will have to strengthen more? Given the almost certain goodbyes of Bonaventura and Biglia, whose contract will expire at the end of the season, I think Milan are looking for a great midfielder and they are also evaluating another central defender to join Romagnoli. Two big blows in these areas of the field must be done “.

Can the big blow to the midfield be Sandro Tonali? “Tonali likes Milan a lot, how could it be otherwise? But here I see Juventus and Inter ahead: they have a different project and goals. Milan, however, is there, despite Juventus and Inter being ahead. We must also understand what Tonali’s ambitions and desires are, he is a very determined boy and he seems to be scared of almost nothing. If one is convinced of their abilities they will know how to be patient, insert themselves and become a fundamental pawn even if they choose a team in which they are initially unsure of their ownership. So much will depend on Brescia’s requests, on the player’s will and in the case of Milan on the ability to offer the midfielder an ambitious project “.



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