Coronavirus, the decline in patients continues: for the first time, people are sent to home isolation


The containment of the infection is consolidated The April 25 bulletin consolidates the containment of the infection, which for ten days has been following a downward trend, but also confirms what scientists have been saying for some time: it takes time to get out of the emergency and the last indicator to drop it will be precisely that relating to the victims. And this is the reason why the extraordinary commissioner Domenico Arcuri also follows the long list of those who preach prudence in view of phase 2.

Arcuri: “We haven’t gotten rid of the virus yet” “We have not yet won – he says – today is the Liberation Day but, everyone understands it, we have not yet freed ourselves from the virus. We are not yet at April 25 in the war against this enemy. We have not regained all our freedoms”.

Another 850 sick people less in 24 hours If we exclude the data on the victims, however, the numbers say that the battle is going in the right direction. Another 850 fewer sick people, with the total falling to 105,847; another 71 fewer patients in intensive care, bringing the total to 2,102, a number that has not been registered since March 17; 535 patients are no longer hospitalized in other hospital wards and bring the total down to 21,533; the healed for a week now are constantly over 2 thousand a day (Saturday 2,622) and total 63,120.

More cases only in 4 regions out of 20 Not only that: out of 20 regions only Lombardy, Piedmont, Tuscany and Lazio show an increase in new cases. All the others, and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano, are in the negative. The fact that for the first time since that distant 20 February when everything started in Codogno even those who are in home isolation have come down for the first time, is a further positive element, which will however have to consolidate in the next few days.

Lombardy data improveThe data relating to Lombardy and Milan, which in the last few days had marked a worrying increase, also improved. In the Region there are 105 new positives, less than Piedmont which has 111 (the highest number at national level) and less than on Friday, when the increase in patients was 495; moreover, the total number of infected (including victims and healed) is 713: it was 50 days that was not so low.

Fontana: “Really encouraging data” Milan is also better: there are 219 new positives in the metropolitan area, for a total of 17,909, of which 80 new cases in Milan city. On Friday there were 412 new positives including 246 in the city. “They are truly encouraging data,” comments the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana. “Finally – he continues – the measures put in place are proving their effectiveness and if the trend continues in the coming days, it will mean that we are truly on the right track. Gradually, by adopting all the security measures, we will be able to return to freedom, a little different from the previous one, at least for some time, but still freedom “.


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