Coronavirus Marche, contagions stable. “Peak in mid-April” – Chronicle


Ancona, 29 March 2020 – Emergency coronavirus, stable i contagions in Marche. The positive people in the region to date, since the beginning of theepidemic, I’m 3558 (+185 compared to the previous day, with 547 samples reported). Yesterday the increase had been 177 cases, but out of a total of 824 swabs analyzed.

Coronavirus Marche, the chart of 29 March

“Peak in mid-April”

“In Marche the peak is expected between the first decade and mid-April. “So yesterday the president of the Marche Region, Luca Ceriscioli. For that time, the governor hopes to have managed to activate the hospital center temporary, whose management has been entrusted to a private individual. It will have to accommodate 100 intensive care beds, it will be created at Civitanova Fair (after the triple no to as many structures in Ancona), and to take care of it, on the advice of Guido Bertolaso, the Italian Corps of Relief Foundation of the Order of Malta (Cisom).


Ceriscioli himself motivates the choice of the fundraising system: “It is clear that we have to run – he explains -. There is a difference in important times. The private sector derogates on everything and does not have all those problems that public interventions have” .

A race against time, while on the front of the mobilization of personnel and structures things are not going well. There National civil protection, through the mouth of the national manager, Angelo Borrelli, yesterday morning announced the sending of twenty Albanian doctors for the Coronavirus emergency, but in the afternoon the central management had to back down.

Certainly not a good signal, especially if combined with the uncertainty surrounding the expedition made up of 160 doctors, nurses and technicians from China to set up a field structure in the area of ​​the Torrette regional hospital in Ancona. The release of the procedure has been awaited for days due to a hitch caused by the Chinese Ministry of Health.

The March 28 toll: 22 dead

Yesterday’s balance sheet was 22 dead, with the statistics rising to 386 in the region (257 men and 129 women), Pesaro the worst hit with 242 deaths, to follow Ancona 71 Macerata 39, Fermo 26 e Ascoli Piceno 3. Themiddle age of deaths remains very high, 79.8 years, as well as high is the percentage of those who had previous pathologies, 97.4%.

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