Coronavirus Emilia Romagna, stop to asymptomatic positive doctors. “They don’t go back to work”


Bologna, March 24, 2020 – At work, or rather not. The green light for positive doctors is not long coronavirus but asymptomatic to return to work. “No positive health worker at Covid-19 can go to work”, the Commissioner for the emergency in Emilia-Romagna Sergio Venturi hastens to explain, explaining that “the directive addressed to healthcare companies represents a general strategy document which, effectively, may have spawned confusion where there is talk of voluntariness “.

“We repeat it, the safety of people comes first, obviously starting from all the health workers”, continues Venturi. “Already in the next few hours we will meet the unions, which had already signaled this aspect, to clarify and reaffirm this concept”.

There directive sent by the Region to the hospital companies that so much confusion created spoke of periodic screening “Every fortnight to all health workers operating in Covid-19 areas with maximum diffusion in order – it is read – to define the size of the workforce in the field, with a view to proposing, on a voluntary basis, the resumption of work to the subjects positive but asymptomatic “.

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It is a measure absurd and in contrast to all the documents of the Ministry of Health. So the Region has done well – says the president of the National Federation of Medical Orders (Fnomceo), Filippo Anelli – to make a step back and to give the importance due to the health of doctors, because it is an inconceivable measure. “In hospitals, even if in areas of maximum spread of the virus, he concludes,” patients, all, must feeling confident and active doctors must be healthy. This is a basic principle. ”

The directive

In this sense, the act distinguishes “Three different scenarios” in the Region with “three different screening priorities”: maximum penetration zones (Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Rimini), high penetration zones (Modena, Bologna), low penetration zones (Ferrara, Ravenna, Forlì). Even in areas of high penetration, it says, “it is rational to periodically screen health workers operating in Covid-19 areas by direct diagnosis, in order to identify cohorts of asymptomatic health workers suitable for maintaining work”.

In the areas of moderate penetration, instead, the swab for screening to “health workers exposed to patients with diagnosed infection is expected in order to define the extent of vertical spread (from patient to operator) aimed at maintaining the majority of Covid health workers -free and to put in quarantine any infected to avoid inter-operator diffusion “.

Coronavirus Emilia Romagna, the data on the infections

They went up to 8,535 the cases of positivity, yesterday in Emilia Romagna, 980 more than the other day. An update, explained the emergency commissioner, Sergio Venturi, which suffers from a recovery of swabs made in the past and presents “a percentage in line with the past days, even if we do not see a strong decrease”.

The healings there are 423, 74 more since the last update, while i deaths they rise to 892, 76 more, with an average age of 80 years. Patients in intensive care there are 276, 7 more. In total, 31,200 tests were reported, 3,178 more. The new deaths concern 26 residents in the province of Piacenza, 13 in Parma, 21 in Reggio Emilia, 9 in Modena, 4 in Bologna (none in the Imola area), 2 in Ferrara and 1 in that of Ravenna.

These i cases of positivity on the territory: 1,885 in Piacenza (120 more than the previous day), 1,364 in Parma (155 more), 1,369 in Reggio (202 more), 1,155 in Modena (145 more), 833 in Bologna (of which 652 Bologna, 156 more, and 181 Imola, 3 more), 172 in Ferrara (22 more), 342 in Ravenna (33 more), 380 in Forlì-Cesena (of which 176 in Forlì, 21 more, and 204 in Cesena, 30 more), 1,035 in Rimini (93 more).


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