Bufera Juve: another quarantine for Ronaldo, Pjanic, Higuain and Khedira!


While Italy and the Italians face how this can be done infamous war against the Coronavirus, in the room of the buttons of football continue to fly the rags to understand when it is more appropriate or safer to return to the activity. A date is not yet there and it could not be otherwise considering how out of the ball we inevitably go towards the extension and tightening of all restrictive measures. Consequently, even the resumption of training, the step preceding the review of the calendars, cannot yet be fixed. While it accelerates as someone wants (see Lazio) or slow down for prudence (see Juve and Inter), it also imposes a further limitation for all those players who in the meantime have decided to leave Italy: that of a fourteen day isolation for anyone foreign arrivals.

Players away from Italy: the situation at Juve

Looking at Juve, for now, the reference is therefore for Cristiano Ronaldo (in Portugal as of Monday 9 March), but also for the various ones Gonzalo Higuain, Sami Khedira is Miralem Pjanic, who between Wednesday and Thursday reached their home in Argentina, Germany and Luxembourg for family reasons. These four players, when they return to Italy, will therefore stay in quarantine for two weeks, even if they should hopefully be asymptomatic or be negative for any other swabs.

Higuain and companions: another quarantine will be required on your return

There is in fact no room for any kind of interpretation in the reading and application of article 1 of Decree 120-2020 published on March 17 by the ministry of infrastructure and transport in concert with the ministry of health: «In order to counter the spread of the epidemiological emergency from Covid-19, all natural persons entering Italy, by air, rail, sea and road transport, even if asymptomatic, are obliged to immediately communicate their entry in Italy to the department of prevention of the health authority responsible for the territory, and are subject to health surveillance and fiduciary isolation for a period of fourteen days».

Juve, what a problem for Sarri!

Trying to talk only about football, a further big problem for Maurizio Sarri’s Juventus. Also because, for example, while being able to remain only in the field of hypotheses, if in the end the intention to try to start again prevailed between 3 and 4 April, in order to be available already, the four black and white champions should actually return to Italy already in the next few hours, which does not seem to be happening.

Read the full article on the Corriere dello Sport-Stadio edition today on newsstands

Juve, Higuain returns to Argentina to his mother


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