Albano Carrisi is organizing the funeral: “It will be a great party”


Albano Carrisi is organizing a funeral. The showdown also arrives for the singer of Cellino San Marco who lets himself go to an outlet during the interview with Rudy Zerbi.

Albano Carrisi is organizing the funeral – meteoweek

The short interview was recently held Albano and Romina they released a Radio Deejay host of the program conducted by Rudy Zerby and connects her Laura Antonini.

The pair of singers had the opportunity to talk about their art and how the song Collect the moment was born until a joke made by Albano also leaves the conductor speechless. The singer of Cellino San Marco is organizing a funeral in such a difficult moment as what Italy is experiencing?

Albano Carrisi – meteoweek

Albano Carrisi is organizing the funeral

Albano Carrisi he has been experiencing a very delicate moment since his friend Detto Mariano has been hospitalized in serious conditions. The singer of Cellino San Marco has admitted to harboring a great fear for what is happening in the world because of the Coronavirus.

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The interview given to Radio Deejay becomes the perfect opportunity not only to tell the new record work created with Romina Power, but also to confide to the public that they are dealing with the organization of a funeral. Fear spreads immediately and moments of silence are hidden on the radio.

Albano Carrisi which funeral It is organizing these days so as to displace Ruby Zerby who did not immediately understand what he was talking about?

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“It will be a great party”

The Coronavirus the fear for each of us who do not know this enemy, but whose mortality has decimated the elderly population of Italy, has as a side effect.

Albano Carrisi he admitted on several occasions to be concerned about the spread of the virus infection, given that the children are in different countries of the world and therefore far from Cellino San Marco.

Albano Carrisi coronavirus – meteoweek

Just before the interview with Ruby Zerbi and Laura Antonini ended, Albano Carrisi issues the following statement: “I am organizing the funeral of this virus and it will be a great party for everyone“… because, on the other hand, as Albano also claims, we will all return to embrace each other and toast together with the tragedy ended.

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