Wanliang, a doctor in Wuhan City, warned his friends about the spread of the disease last December. He told of seven patients who were hospitalized in isolation after visiting a local seafood market – and communicated to other doctors in a chat group who warned them of the outbreak and advised them to wear protective clothing to avoid infection.
Wanliang, who did recognize the corona, later contracted the virus.
Health authorities in China were initially outraged by the doctor who rushed to publish the new virus. In early January, police officers warned Lee, an ophthalmologist, to stop and talk about the outbreak of the virus. “No organization or person is allowed to publish or release public information on care or patients without the permission of the authorities,” they said.
But the silence didn’t help: the virus spread and created a worldwide panic, with the spread of the virus across China and the world.
Li Winliang, the Chinese doctor who tried to warn of the corona eruption and was summoned to the police on charges that he undermines public order, and was forced to sign a commitment to remain silent, died today of the corona virus. He was 34. His parents are also ill. pic.twitter.com/L8njIrB5QB
– Nadav Eyal Nadav Eyal (@NadavEyalDesk) February 6, 2020
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