On derby air: “A footballer always works to win. If a goal comes it’s a nice thing, but the important thing is to have a great game.”
About the meaning of the derby: “I have already played a couple of derbies and I understand that it is a different game from all the others. The week leading up to the derby is a special week and I think it is worth more than three points
On the personal contribution to Milan: “I can talk about what I have always done here, as well as in Spain: I have always trained to the maximum, being available to play where the coach asks”.
On the relationship with Romagnoli: “I have been playing with Ale for many years and we really understand each other without even looking at each other”.
On how to live the derby in Milanello: “It’s a special game, a different week. We will certainly do our best to make a great game.”
On Milan-Verona: “We had a good game. In the second half, when we stayed in numerical superiority, we did a lot to win the game, but unfortunately the ball didn’t come in.”
on Inter: “We have great players and a great team, as well as them. It’s a football game, eleven against eleven, that we want to win.”
On Ibrahimovic: “Ibra is fine, she is working separately but I see him well and charged as always”.
On the importance of Milan: “Not only this week, but always. The fans are always close to us and it is very important for us”.
On seasonal goals: “We work to give joy to the fans. You have to think from game to game.”
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