The Romanian Ministry of Health has ordered the measure for those who come from an affected country or those who have passed through those municipalities
Romania The quarantine was decided because of the large flow of people between the two countries. Through a post on Facebook, the ministry said that “all suspected cases will be immediately reported to the public health departments”.
Ischia The disembarkation order had been signed by the mayors of the six municipalities of the island off the coast of Naples. “I don’t think it was a good idea,” said the commissioner Angelo Borrelli commenting on the decision. And in fact then came the decision of the prefect of Naples, Marco Valentini, who canceled the ordinance. “The profiles of illegitimacy found in the ordinance, unjustifiably restrictive towards a large section of the national population and not in line with the measures taken so far by the government”, explained Valentini.
The prefect has announced that he has foreseen that the law enforcement agencies have “port identification of citizens from the regions of Lombardy and Veneto and directed to the island of Ischia to ascertain the possible residence of the same in the municipalities of these regions, already identified by the health authority, in which there is a cluster of covid-19 virus infection “. Basically, we intend to stop only any passengers coming from quarantined areas.
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