SU RONALDO: “I wish him to be able to devote himself to the family on this special day. Things are going well for him, after a start of the season in which he was called an old man at the end of his career he redeemed himself in a big way. I wish him to play until 40 years because he is an exemplary professional, the message that must pass is that if these champions manage to last so long, it is because there is a not inconsiderable mental approach behind them. Ronaldo is giving us a great hand at this stage of the year, he succeeds always to amaze everyone from January onwards. He is showing all his qualities, he has often taken the chestnuts out of the oven “.
ABOUT LAZIO: “I wish you to remain in those positions to the end because I broke the boxes to hear the Biancocelesti fans criticizing Tare and Lotito. Inzaghi has been doing great things for years”.
SU CHIELLINI: “He is important even when he is not playing, he is a locker room man. He is destined to remain in the Juventus world. With him on the field there would not have been many problems, he is a great defender”.
ON ERIKSEN: “It is a great risk because he is a foreign player who comes from abroad, does not know the league and our language. It is not easy. If he went to Inter and not in some big European one there will be a reason. .. I am surprised Conte who threw him on the field against Udinese, the day after they massacred him. I expected a slightly different management. Same goes for Young and Moses, two excellent players but that don’t make a difference “.
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