"Environmental emergency" In front of this "mess", continues Pelu, "I turn to the Municipalities of Orbetello, Capalbio, Porto Santo Stefano; to the Provinces of Grosseto and Viterbo; to the Region of Tuscany and the Lazio Region and to the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the territory and of the mare, I turn to friends of Legambiente, WWF, Greenpeace Italy, Fridays for future Italy and anyone who is sensitive to the problem to face this emergency with solicitude, determination, competence ".
The appeal of the rocker And he concludes by making himself available and launching an appeal. "I also want to help – he says – but many men are needed, dozens of tractors with trailers to load many tons of waste and many trucks that use plastic for recycling. I am there, and you?" The applications did not take long: many have advanced their willingness to take the field to get rid of that horrendous immense landfill on the shore of one of the most beautiful seas in Italy.
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